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by Dillon Forrest

狄龙·福雷斯特(Dillon Forrest)

性格内向的战术网络指南 (The tactical networking guide for introverts)

Why am I writing a guide about networking for introverts?


There are three questions within this question: why write about networking, why targeted towards introverts, and why tactical.


Networking is a topic deserving of a tactical guide because it was born from one of the strangest truths of the world: it always pays to know people. If you’re an entrepreneur, you network to build a sales pipeline. If you’re a job hunter, you network to get interviews and land offers. If you’re trying to make an investment, big or small, you network to do your due diligence.

网络是一个值得指导的话题,因为它源于世界上最奇怪的事实之一:认识人们总是很有意义的。 如果您是企业家,则可以通过网络建立销售渠道。 如果您是求职者,则可以通过网络获得面试和录取通知。 如果您尝试进行大小投资,则可以通过网络进行尽职调查。

Introverts need a networking guide because, let’s face it, even the etymologies of “introvert” and “network” are antithetical. Introverts find networking uncomfortable, salesy, or sleazy.

内向的人需要一个网络指南,因为,让我们面对现实吧,即使“内向”和“网络”的词源也是对立的。 性格内向的人会觉得网络不舒服,销售不便或肮脏。

The joining of networking and introverts is why this guide is tactical. I want to teach you how to network smarter, not harder, and get 80% of the results from 20% of the work.

网络和性格内向的人的加入是本指南具有策略性的原因。 我想教你如何更智能而不是更困难地联网,并从20%的工作中获得80%的结果。

朋友的介绍永远是最好的 (An intro from a friend is always best)

A network is an asset which compounds over time. Start building it sooner rather than later.

网络是随着时间的流逝而复合的资产。 尽快开始构建它,而不是稍后开始。

Be a good friend. Be happy to help other people and ask nothing in return. Always help people who you care about or genuinely wish to succeed.

做个好朋友。 乐于帮助他人,不要求任何回报。 始终帮助您关心或真正希望成功的人。

Stay in touch with your friends, former classmates, and former coworkers. You know that feeling when somebody who hasn’t spoken to you in five years asks you for a favor? It’s weird. You won’t create this feeling for anybody when you’re regularly in touch with people. “Hey friend! Long time no talk. Recently, I’ve been up to X, Y, and Z. What have you been up to? Miss you!”

与您的朋友,以前的同学和以前的同事保持联系。 您知道当五年没有与您交谈的人要求您帮忙时的感觉吗? 有点奇怪。 当您与人保持定期联系时,您不会为任何人创造这种感觉。 “你好朋友! 好久没有说话。 最近,我去过X,Y和Z。您最近在忙什么? 想你!”

Don’t be an asshole. Some people don’t intend to be assholes, but they just carry the asshole gene. Not being an asshole means that the consequences of your behaviors make people’s lives better. It does not mean you don’t intend to be an asshole.

别混蛋 有些人不打算成为混蛋,但他们只是携带了混蛋基因。 不当混蛋意味着您的行为所带来的后果使人们的生活变得更好。 这并不意味着您不打算成为混蛋。

以人为目的,而不是目的 (Treat people as the end, not the means to an end)

Coffee dates are a portfolio strategy. Nobody expects 100% of them to turn into even an offer of job/gig/sale/etc. (That’s why they work.)

咖啡日期是一项投资组合策略。 没有人期望他们中的100%会变成一份工作/演出/销售/等等。 (这就是它们起作用的原因。)

— Patrick McKenzie (@patio11)

— Patrick McKenzie(@ patio11)

When you meet people, care to get to know them as people. Learn about what they care about too. Make them have a fun hanging out with you. Show them you’re a cool cat.

当您遇到人时,要小心认识他们。 了解他们也关心什么。 让他们和您一起玩得开心。 告诉他们你是一只很酷的猫。

了解如何查找任何人的电子邮件地址 (Learn how to find anybody’s email address)

Most of finding almost anybody’s email address is .

找到几乎任何人的电子邮件地址的大多数都 。

Watch the video in that link! It’s only a few minutes to learn the most vital skill of this entire guide.

观看该链接中的视频! 只需几分钟即可学习本指南中最重要的技能。

Some additional best practices:


  • Don’t forget to first check if they listed their email publicly on their LinkedIn or personal site.

  • You can also try guessing their work email in addition to their personal email.

  • Personal gmail addresses are often the same as Twitter, GitHub, or LinkedIn IDs, especially if they use the same ID across multiple social media sites. For instance, if Steve Nash’s LinkedIn profile is linkedin.com/in/stephenna and his Twitter is twitter.com/stephenna, then there’s a good chance his gmail is .

    个人gmail地址通常与Twitter,GitHub或LinkedIn的ID相同,尤其是在多个社交媒体网站上使用相同的ID的情况下。 例如,如果史蒂夫·纳什(Steve Nash)的LinkedIn个人资料是linkedin.com/in/stephenna,而他的Twitter是twitter.com/stephenna,那么他的gmail很有可能是 。

发送电子邮件,人们将打开并回复 (Send an email that people will open and reply to)

There are three steps in the cold email funnel: finding an email address, getting the cold email opened, and getting a reply to your cold email.


When people see your new email in their inbox, they see your name, your subject, and the first sentence or two of your email. Your subject is the most important variable to influence open rates. I like short, non-committal subjects. My favorite is “Quick question.” I still use it, and it still works immensely well in getting strangers to open my emails. I invite you to use it as well.

当人们在收件箱中看到您的新电子邮件时,他们会看到您的姓名,主题以及电子邮件的第一句话或第二句话。 您的主题是影响打开率的最重要变量。 我喜欢简短的,非置信的科目。 我最喜欢的是“快速提问”。 我仍在使用它,它在使陌生人打开我的电子邮件方面仍然非常有效。 我也邀请您使用它。

After your audience opens your email, the next thing they see is your email body. You need to do everything in your power to make your email body not only easy to read, but compelling enough to warrant a reply.

听众打开您的电子邮件后,他们接下来看到的是您的电子邮件正文。 您需要尽一切努力使您的电子邮件正文不仅易于阅读,而且足够引人注目以得到答复。

Keep the email short. Aim to keep it less than 300 words. At that length, it’s enough to add meaningful detail, but not long enough to be an intimidating wall of text.

使电子邮件简短。 目的是使其少于300个字。 以这样的长度,足以添加有意义的细节,但又不足以使文本变得令人生畏。

Don’t ramble. When you proofread your emails, proofread more for brevity than style. People won’t remember your style, but they’ll notice your brevity and will reward you for it by actually reading your email.

别乱逛 当您校对电子邮件时,校对更多的是简洁而不是样式。 人们不会记住您的风格,但他们会注意到您的简洁,并会通过实际阅读您的电子邮件来奖励您。

Have an explicit call to action. Your call to action is probably a question or a favor. Make sure your call to action sticks out like a crying baby during a red eye flight. No clear call to action means nobody will do what you want them to do.

明确呼吁采取行动。 您的号召性用语可能是一个问题或青睐。 确保您的号召性文字在红眼飞行期间像哭泣的婴儿一样突出。 没有明确的号召性用语意味着没有人会做您想要他们做的事情。

Include a brief background about yourself. Just 1–2 sentences is great. You can establish commonality, and they’ll be more likely to like and reply to you.

包括有关您自己的简短背景。 只需1-2句话就可以了。 您可以建立共同点,他们会更喜欢和回复您。

Don’t ask more than 3 questions. You don’t know this person well enough to have earned their attention beyond 3 questions. It’s weird to get an email from a stranger and the stranger just asks a ton of questions. This type of email is burdensome and easy to ignore.

提出的问题不要超过3个。 您对这个人的认识不足,无法吸引他们的关注,仅涉及三个问题。 收到一个陌生人的电子邮件很奇怪,而陌生人只是问了很多问题。 这种类型的电子邮件既麻烦又容易忽略。

If you want to just pick somebody’s brain on a specific topic, I suggest asking them a modified version of the net promoter score survey. How would you rate XYZ on a scale between 1–5? What is the reasoning behind your rating?

如果您只想在某个特定主题上动动脑子,我建议他们对发起人净得分调查进行修改。 您如何在1-5之间的范围内对XYZ进行评分? 您的评分背后的原因是什么?

Use bullet points and numbered lists.


回复的回复 (The reply to the reply)

If they replied to your email, be sure to reply back! They were gracious enough to share their time and attention with you. Don’t squander it.

如果他们回复了您的电子邮件,请务必回复! 他们足够亲切,可以与您分享他们的时间和注意力。 不要浪费它。

If you have more questions to ask, this is the right time to ask them. You’ve built enough of a relationship, so ask another 3–5 questions. If you still have more questions, save them for the next email if you feel your questions are still welcome.

如果您还有其他问题要问,那么现在是提问的合适时机。 您已经建立了足够的关系,因此请再问3-5个问题。 如果您还有其他问题,如果仍然欢迎您提问,请将其保存在下一封电子邮件中。

Don’t forget to thank them for their time. Don’t disrespect people’s time.

不要忘记感谢他们的时间。 不要不尊重别人的时间。

Offer to keep them in the loop and stay in touch.


Offer to return the favor. “Please let me know if I can return the favor. I’d be happy to do so!”

提出回馈青睐。 “请让我知道我是否可以退还您的青睐。 我很乐意这样做!”

关键步骤:跟进 (The critical step: following up)

Do you know why networking feels sleazy to most people? Because they don’t follow up! If a person asked you for a favor and never followed up, that means this person literally only talked to you for your contribution. Once you gave your contribution, the person stopped talking to you. That feels transactional. That feels sleazy.

您知道为什么大多数人觉得网络很懒吗? 因为他们不跟进! 如果有人要求您帮个忙而又没有跟进,则表示该人实际上只是在与您交谈以求您的贡献。 一旦您做出了贡献,此人便停止与您交谈。 感觉很交易。 感觉很lea。

Following up is how you solidify relationships and turn strangers into friends.


“Hi there, I just wanted to close the loop with you on this. I followed your advice on XYZ, and it led to ABC. Thank you! I couldn’t have done it without you.”

“嗨,我只是想和你一起闭环。 我遵循了您关于XYZ的建议,并导致了ABC。 谢谢! 没有你,我做不到。”

而已 (That’s it)

The tactical networking guide for introverts is now over.


Does it look simple? It is simple.

看起来简单吗? 很简单。

Does this just look like just a guide for sending email? Yeah, basically. You’re an introvert though, right? You prefer email over meeting in person or chatting on the phone, right?

这看起来像只是发送电子邮件的指南吗? 是的,基本上。 你虽然性格内向,对吗? 您更喜欢电子邮件而不是亲自开会或通过电话聊天,对吗?

By the way, I’m a product manager and growth hacker based in San Francisco. If you found this guide helpful, or if you have any questions or feedback, or if you’d just like to connect and say hi, I would love to hear from you! As you probably expect, works great for me. You can find me on too.

顺便说一句,我是旧金山的产品经理和成长黑客。 如果您觉得本指南很有帮助,或者有任何疑问或反馈,或者想与他人打个招呼,我很乐意收到您的来信! 如您所料, 对我来说非常有用。 您也可以在找到我。

For those interested in more reading on non-sleazy networking, I’d recommend checking out Ramit Sethi’s .

对于那些对非松弛网络更多阅读感兴趣的人,我建议您查看Ramit Sethi的 。




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